The Ducal Castles

Discover the countryside around Parma, the heart of the Food Valley, an area of typical products such as Parmigiano Reggiano, Culatello di Zibello and Culaccia di Fontanellato.

The itinerary takes you to “Casa Verdi” where the most famous Italian composer in the world was born and lived: Roncole Verdi and Busseto. Verdi’s estates stretch out into the realm of river cuisine of chef Massimo Spigaroli at the Antica Corte Pallavicina just a few metres from the great Po River.

Continuing along the Strada del Culatello, you can find the Castle of Roccabianca with its Distillery Museum and the Rocca Meli Lupi di Soragna.

Source: Castelli del Ducato

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